Check your name number compatibility to find your lucky name for lifestyle improvement.
Name Numerology Compatibility with Date of Birth
The identity of a person is established by his or her name. We do not remember a person’s date of birth, but his or her name. Numerologists use name numerology compatibility to find a lucky name for a person. The full name of the person is used for a numerology compatibility check. In name numerology, the first name is referred to as the social name; the middle name represents the inner desires; and the last name is present when a child is born. The entire name expresses the life purpose and how a person intends to lead his/her life.

Lucky Name Numerology
A name that is numerologically compatible with the date of birth of a person is considered as a favourable or lucky name. A lucky name attracts positive vibrations that enhance harmony and prosperity in life. If the name is not compatible with the date of birth, it is known to be an unfavourable name that increases struggles in life. So, select a lucky name as per numerology for lifestyle enhancement in every sphere of life including marriage, health, personal, etc.
Book an appointment with Dr. J C Chaudhry for lucky name numerology
Name Numerology Compatibility Check
To check numerology compatibility of a name, we first calculate the name number and then check the vibrations of the name number with birth number/psychic number and life path number/destiny number.
Name Numerology Calculation
To understand how to calculate name number in numerology, let’s take a hypothetical example where the name of the person is Rajesh Kumar Gupta.
. To calculate the name number of Rajesh Kumar Gupta, we will have to assign number values to the alphabets in the name as per the numerology alphabet chart. Then, we will add the number values till we get a single number, which will be the name number.
2 1 1 5 3 5 2 6 4 1 2 3 6 8 4 1
= 17 = 8 = 15 = 6 = 22 = 4
= 8+6+4 = 18 = 9
Here, the name number of Rajesh Kumar Gupta is 9
Name Numerology Consultation
Name Numerology Chart
The name numerology chart depicts the number values of the alphabets as per Chaldean numerology. For name numerology calculations, use the name numerology chart.
Name Number, Psychic Number, Destiny Number Compatibility
As per numerology, there are three important numbers that influence the whole life of a person. These three numbers are the name number, the psychic number and the destiny number. The positive affinity between these numbers is of utmost importance for progress and prosperity.
To ascertain whether the name Rajesh Kumar Gupta is lucky or not, we will check the relationship of name numerology number with psychic number/ birth number and destiny number/life path number.
Let’s assume the date of birth of Rajesh Kumar Gupta is 1/2/1997
- Psychic number: 1
- Destiny number : 11 { 1 + 2 + 8 ( 1+ 9 + 9 + 7 = 26 = 8) = 11}
- Name number: 9
Name number of Rajesh Kumar( 9 )is compatible with his psychic number (1) and destiny number (11). Therefore, the name Rajesh Kumar Gupta is lucky for the person.
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