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Time Management

  • Published 12 Nov 2018
  • Last Updated 12 Feb 2024
  • Read Time 3 mins

Time is the most precious thing in the world, even more than a diamond. Time once gone cannot come back. This makes time management an important skill to learn.

So what really is time management? It is all about mind management. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Our mind should have the attention span and energy to utilise this time effectively. Time management is needed for all people whether they be school students or employees.

A lot of people are unable to do manage their minds and thus tend to waste their time. Each person should know what all is to be done. This alone is not enough. It is also very essential to know what is to be done when i.e. prioritization. Urgent and important tasks should be tackled first. A lot of tasks are important but not urgent and vice-versa. It is important to focus on the important tasks. One must also learn to minimize distractions and interruptions. 

For a student, good organization is the most important thing to become successful. A great way for students to manage their time better would be setting daily, weekly, and term plans. Daily plan can hold an account of assignments and areas of study. It is said that, the best time to prepare study plan is in the evening time. Weekly plan should consist of overall list of approaching tests and tasks to be achieved. Term plans should give a view of semester and should help in planning it accordingly. When it comes to study, a timetable is really important. Timetable should not be too demanding because it will cause stress , it should be simple. These aspects will make a student more productive as a result.

For an employee, it is important to start early. If a task is to be completed in 10 days it should be started on day 1 itself instead of waiting for the 9th day. Putting off tasks until the last moment can lead to substandard or unfinished work. It is important to break down big tasks into manageable small sub-tasks. It often happens that a task involves some sub-task for which someone else is responsible. It is best to handover the sub-task to that someone else as soon as possible instead of keeping it with oneself. In colloquial terms it is also known as 'taking the monkey off the back'. It is not good if one continues to carry all the load on their backs instead of handing it over.

People who cannot manage time are unable to manage their work and family life. It is important to strike a balance between the two. It is always the quality of the time spent that matters more than the quantity. By managing time well one can keep both the people at home and office happy. Our nature of work determines the time spent on it. For example a Police SHO might have to occasionally spend two days in a row in his office due to work pressure. When he goes home he should inquire about his family's welfare instead of discussing work. If he discusses work his family might end up getting frustrated.

Another way of better time management is making a list of all work to be done on the next day the previous night itself. We should also learn not to take too much work on our plate and ending up with poor performance in some areas. Resting in between work is equally important to avoid exhaustion and fall in productivity. In all these little ways if we manage our everyday our tomorrow is automatically managed. It is important to remember that tomorrow never comes. Thus if we postpone work to tomorrow our success also gets postponed. It is thus important to finish work on the right time. Managing our time is in our hands alone.

For any query, you can ask a question with Dr. J C Chaudhry related to the information provided above. 

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Tue, 02/14/2023 - 11:41

Very informative post. Highly acknowledged.

Fri, 02/24/2023 - 11:45

Time management is one of the most difficult tasks that usually puts us in a difficult condition, but after reading your essay, it has greatly aided me.