If Number 6 is Missing from the Lu Shu Grid, the person can face the problems in life.
Number 6 in Lo Shu Grid
Number 6 represents the metal element. Number 6 is ruled by Venus, famous for wealth and entertainment. If Number 6 is Missing from the Lo Shu Grid chart, the person will miss the energy of Number 6 and can face difficulties in marriage and wealth.
To learn the importance of number 6 in the Lo shu grid, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry

Missing Number 6 in Lo Shu Grid
Missing Numbers in Lo Shu Grid indicates that desirable characteristics and traits of that number will be missing from the person’s persona.
- The person with Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 6 is more likely to face wealth, family, friends, luxury and marriage difficulties.
- The family's happiness goes away if Lo Shu Grid is Missing Number 6.
- People who do not have Number 6 in their Lo shu Grid do not get benefits and success in export & import business and foreign travels.
- They do not get much support from other people; hence have to work very hard.
- They can't have long-term friendships and tend to hide their innermost feeling from others.
Missing Number 6 Remedies
One can’t altogether remove the impact of Missing Number 6 in the Lo shu Grid chart. But with the help of remedies for Missing Number 6, its effects can be lowered.
- Wear a watch with a golden chain to reduce the effect of Missing Number 6 in Lo Shu Grid.
- Hang golden wind chime having six 11” long rods in the North-West direction of the home.
- Place golden colour deer in North-West direction of the house.
Lo shu grid Numerology Consultation
Lo Shu Grid Repeat Number 6
Lo Shu Grid Repeating Numbers impact a person’s life positively and negatively. Repetition of Number 6 in Lo Shu Grid can occur twice, thrice, four times or more than this. Based upon the occurrence of Number 6 in the birth chart, it affects the person’s life.
- If Number 6 is coming twice in Lo Shu Grid, the person will enjoy doing creative activities and appreciate the beauty of all kinds.
- If Number 6 is coming thrice in Lo Shu Grid, it is not good as the person will lead a stressful life. They become angry easily and becomes overly possessive.
- If Number 6 is coming four or more times in Lo Shu Grid, the individual will be emotionally weak and needs to channelize their energy in the right direction.
Know about Your Missing Number