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Published On 02 August 2023
Number 9 in Numerology is Magical: Know More About It
Numbers are the fundamental language of the universe, existing even before human beings. Pythagoras, a numerologist, believed that all things in the world were made of numbers. Each number has its characteristics, significance, and impact.     But the number 9 is considered a magical number in…
Published On 12 July 2023
Client Testimonials: Dr J C Chaudhry Numerology Services
Dr. J C Chaudhry, chairman of Chaudhry Nummero Pvt. Ltd. (CNPL), a numerology auditing and consulting company, is a globally accomplished numerologist with over three decades of experience. Over the years, he has performed countless name corrections and guided several distinguished personalities to…
Published On 21 June 2023
How Numerology and Marriage: How Numbers Can Solve Problem
Happy marriages bloom into eternal bonds. Certain ups and downs are a part of every marriage relationship. However, constant troubles and disputes can strain the peace and love in one’s relationship. In the absence of timely action, the differences could worsen over time, leading to grave…
Published On 06 June 2023
Numerology and Health : Your date of birth numbers can tell your health issues
Health is precious. If there is health, there is everything. However, health issues have become more prevalent than before. People are affected by several health diseases and problems. This includes mental health problems as well, such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. Upon looking for…
Published On 03 May 2023
 Name Numerology to attract luck in life
Parents always wish the best for their children. Their only wish is to see them prosper and be successful in life. One of the earliest steps that parents can take to ensure that their child leads a life full of opportunities, luck, and happiness is to select the right boy or girl name for their…
Published On 12 April 2023
Date of Birth in Numerology & its Influence on Life
Numbers surround us. Your birth, one of the most important events in your life, is associated with a number: date of birth number. The house you live in has a number: the house number; vehicle you drive has a number: car number, etc. So, numbers and life events are closely related. If you…
Published On 10 March 2023
Global Numerology services by Dr. J C Chaudhry
Dr. J C Chaudhry needs no formal introduction. He is a well-known Indian numerologist who has been providing numerology services and consultation to individuals for over three decades. He is the founder of Chaudhry Nummero Pvt. Ltd., which serves its esteemed clients and customers with business…
Published On 02 March 2023
Numerology consultant in Dubai - Dr. J C Chaudhry
Who will not wish to live a life full of opportunities? Well, everyone wants to. Most of the time, people are unaware of the hidden talents, strengths, and challenges that lie ahead of them. As a result, they are unable to make the right use of the glorious chances that life can offer them. Numbers…
Published On 15 February 2023
Numerology Numbers 9, 5, 1: Know how it brings luck
"Luck favours the brave," says a famous saying. It means that people who work hard and take risks to achieve their goals are more likely to succeed in life. Every person on this earth wants to ace the success game and, therefore, leaves no stone unturned to get the desired results. But only a few…
Published On 01 February 2023
Karmic Debt Numerology by Dr. J C Chaudhry
Karmas refers to past-life actions, or work and their effects on the future course of events. Good intent contributes to good karma, whereas bad deeds lead to bad karma. Every person born performs activities (kriyas) throughout their life. However, some people indulge in morally wrong acts or…
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