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Numerology Predictions from 15th to 21st January 2024 | Weekly Numerology

  • Published 13 Jan 2024
  • Last Updated 03 Jul 2024
  • Read Time 3 mins

Read your personalised weekly predictions by Dr. J C Chaudhry. Numerology horoscope for the week (15th to 21st January 2024)

January Predictions for Psychic Number/Birth Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Number 1

People born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month add up to number 1. They are ruled by the Sun. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. This week, you can get an opportunity to try your hands at some new project or activity.

Lucky dates- 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 January
Lucky colour- Red/Orange

Know more about Number 1

Number 2

People born on 2, 11, 20 & 29 of any month add up to the number 2. They are ruled by Moon. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. This week, you can receive good news. You will have the desire to help someone.

Lucky dates - 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 January
Lucky colour- White

Know more about Number 2

Number 3

People born on 3, 12, 21 & 30 of any month add up to the number 3. They are ruled by Jupiter. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. This week, you can get favourable results at your workplace. You will be expressive.

Lucky dates - 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 January
Lucky colour- Yellow

Know more about Number 3

Number 4

People born on 4, 13, 22, 31 of any month add up to the number 4. They are ruled by Uranus. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. There is a possibility of inheriting ancestral property or benefits from your elders.

Lucky dates- 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 January
Lucky colour- Grey

Know more about Number 4

Number 5

People born on 5, 14 & 23 of any month add up to Number 5. They are ruled by Mercury. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. This week, you can attend corporate events and have enriching experiences.

Lucky dates - 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 January
Lucky colour- Green

Know more about Number 5

Number 6

People born on 6, 15 & 24 of any month add up to number 6. They are ruled by Venus. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be average for you. This week, singles can get proposals. Maintain harmony in relationships.

Lucky dates - 17, 18, 21 January
Lucky colour- White and Light Blue

Know more about Number 6

Number 7

People born on 7, 16 & 25 of any month add up to number 7. They are ruled by Neptune. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. This week, give more time to your family and children for healthy bonding.

Lucky dates - 19, 20 January
Lucky colour - Smoky Brown/ Grey Green

Know more about Number 7

Number 8

People born on 8, 17 & 26 of any month add up to the number.8 They are ruled by Saturn. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be average for you. This week promises you new beginnings. You can start a business or work on any new opportunity.

Lucky dates - 15, 20, 21 January
Lucky colour- Black/ Dark Blue

Know more about Number 8

Number 9

People born on 9, 18 & 27 of any month add up to number 9. They are ruled by Mars. January’s single number is 1. So, this month will be lucky for you. Your seniors and mentors can appreciate your efforts. Put in extra effort for achievements.

Lucky dates - 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 January
Lucky colour- Red

Know more about Number 9


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