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2024 Numerology Predictions for Psychic Number 1 to 9

  • Published 03 Jan 2024
  • Last Updated 03 Jul 2024
  • Read Time 7 mins

Numerology unveils a person’s life blueprint. It highlights the friendly and unfriendly numbers, characteristics, opportunities, challenges, remedies to mitigate the negative effect of numbers, etc., to make decisive decisions and lead a life with the least resistance and maximum comfort. For example, if a person is ruled by Number 7 then, his friendly numbers will be 1, 2, 4, and 5, and unfriendly numbers will be 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Unfriendly numbers have negative vibrations and cause problems in life. It is best to avoid these numbers when planning to get married, making investments, starting a job, business, etc. Numerology is the tool to attain this wisdom and increase the chances of success by incorporating friendly numbers. The favourable results in every sphere of life will help elevate the lifestyle.

Numerology Predictions for the New Year 2024

dr j c chaudhry numerology for year 2024



The year 2024 is a Number 8 (2+0+2+4=8) year, number of Saturn, meaning Justice. Also, we can see with number 2 coming twice. Number 2 is influenced by the Moon, and like 2022 and 2023, 2024 can be an emotionally and psychologically weak year. This year we can see progress in the Banking and Commerce Sector, IT Sector, Coal and Oil Sector, Iron and Steel Sector, Property and Infrastructure Sector.

Numerology Horoscope 2024 for Psychic Numbers 1 to 9

Read Dr J C Chaudhry's 2024 numerology predictions for your number 1.

Numerology Predictions for 2024

1. Psychic Number 1

People born on dates 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month belong to Number 1. Sun is the ruling planet of Number 1.

● Number 1 people are ambitious and great leaders.

● Don’t involve yourself in any conflicts.

● Try to maintain a balance between home and office.

● Financial investments are not recommended as this year you may not get the expected returns.

Lucky Day: Sunday Lucky Dates: Except 6,15,24,8,17,26 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, February, March, April, May, July, September, October, November and December.

Lucky Colour: Orange/Red

2024 will be an average/negative year for Number 1.

2. Psychic Number 2

People born on dates 2, 11, 20, and 29 of any month belong to Number 2. Moon is the ruling planet of Number 2.

● Number 2 people are gentle and feminine.

● If you are making any investment, forget it for a long time to gain maximum benefits.

● If you are looking to start a new job or business/startup etc., this can be a good year for you.

Lucky Day: Monday

Lucky Dates: Except 2, 11,20, 29, 5,14, 23, 6, 15, 24 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, March, April, July, August, September, October and December.

Lucky Colour: White

2024 will be a lucky year for Number 2.

3. Psychic Number 3

People born on dates 3, 12, 21, or 30 of any month belong to Number 3. Number 3 is ruled by Jupiter.

● Number 3 people are ambitious and creative.

● Marriage relationships will improve and bloom.

● This year can bring new job opportunities and chances of promotions for you.

● You can plan for doing any investments, positive results are expected on investments made on Property and Infrastructure bonds.

Lucky Day: Thursday

Lucky Dates: Except 4,13,22,31,7,16,25 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November and December.

Lucky Colour: Yellow

2024 will be a lucky year for Number 3.

4. Psychic Number 4

People born on dates 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month belong to Number 4. Uranus is the ruling planet of Number 4.

● Number 4 people are helpful, have creative minds, and good speaking skills.

● Focus on the things at hand. Ignoring your work can hamper your performance at the workplace.

● You need to be careful this year if doing any investments.

● Don’t ignore your health. Eat healthy only to stay away from doctors’ bills.

Lucky Day: Sunday

Lucky Dates: Except 3,12,21,30,4,13,22,31,8,17,26 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, February, May, June, July, September, October, November.

Lucky Colour: Grey

2024 will be an average/ negative year for Number 4.

5. Psychic Number 5

People born on dates 5, 14, or 23 of any month belong to Number 5. Mercury is the ruling planet of Number 5.

● 5 Number people are courageous, good communicators and planners.

● Career-wise, this can be a good year. You may get new job opportunities or a hike in your current job.

● This can be a good year for people in banking, technology, infrastructure, online, internet fields or in business can do better.

Lucky Day: Wednesday

Lucky Dates: Except 2,11,20,29 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and December.

Lucky Colour: Green

2024 will be a lucky year for Number 5.

6. Psychic Number 6

People born on dates 6, 15, or 24 of any month belong to Number 6. Venus is the ruling planet of Number 6. ·

  • · Number 6 people spend more on luxury but this year be a little careful and don’t do any overspending. ·
  • This year can bring new job opportunities and chances of promotions for you. ·
  • You will get time to spend with family, and it will bring harmony to relations.

Lucky Day: Friday Lucky Dates: Except 1,2,6,7,10,11,15,16,19,20,24,25,28,29 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: March, April, May, August, September and December.

Lucky Colour: White/Light Blue

2024 will be a lucky year for Number 6

7. Psychic Number 7

People born on dates 7, 16, or 25 of any month belong to Number 7.

Neptune is the ruling planet of Number 7.

● Number 7 people are creative, spiritual, and have good thinking power.

● Direct your energies in a positive direction to get desired results. Try to stay away from bad habits as they can bring trouble for you.

● At the workplace or in business, there will be more hard work and challenges this year.

 Lucky Day: Monday

Lucky Dates: Except 3,12,21,30,6,15,24,7,16,25,8,17,26,9,18,27 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, February, April, May, October, and November.

Lucky Colour: Smokey Brown

2024 will be an average year /negative for Number 7.

8. Psychic Number 8

People born on dates 8, 17, or 26 of any month belong to Number 8. Saturn is the ruling planet of Number 8.

● Number 8 denotes confidence and determination.

● Focus on completing one task at a time. This way, you will get results. Multitasking will not help you.

● Don’t go for a big investment this year as you may not get the desired returns.

Lucky Day: Saturday

Lucky Dates: Except 1,10,19,28,4,13,22,7,16,25,8,17,26,9,18,27 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: February, March, May, June, November & December. Lucky Colour: Black/Dark Blue

2024 will be an average/negative year for Number 8.

9. Psychic Number 9

People born on dates 9, 18, or 27 of any month belong to Number 9. Mars is the ruling planet of Number 9.

● Number 9 individuals have strong determination and willpower.

● Financial investments are not recommended as you may not get the expected returns this year.

● Don’t involve yourself in any conflicts.

● Direct your energies in a positive direction to get desired results. Try to stay away from bad habits as they can bring trouble for you.

Lucky Day: Tuesday

Lucky Dates: Except 7,16,25,8,17,26 all other dates in any month will be lucky.

Lucky Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November & December.

Lucky Colour: Red

2024 will be an average /negative year for Number 9.


1. Which numbers will be lucky in the year 2024?

Ans: 2024 will be lucky for the Numbers 2, 3, 5, and 6 because they have a friendly relation with the number 8 ( 2+0+2+4 = 8). 2024 will be average for numbers 1, 4, 7, 8, 9.

2. Career Prediction for 2024

Ans: As per J C Chaudhry’s numerology prediction sectors such as banking, IT, property infrastructure, Oil and coal will boom, therefore, people in these sectors or jobs can do well this year.

3. What precautions to take in the new year 2024?

Ans: Due to the influence of Number 2, ruled by the Moon in 2024, people can suffer from stress and depression. Hence, indulge in meditation and spiritual activities for inner peace. Try to remain happy and keep yourself busy.

4.What is the significance of the year number 8 in 2024

Ans: Number 8 is ruled by the planet Saturn (Shani), therefore, it is known to be the number of justice. Try to do good deeds in the year 2024 and avoid bad indulges to strengthen the planet Saturn.

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