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Relationship Numerology : Find Compatible Partners

  • Published 28 Feb 2024
  • Last Updated 03 Jul 2024
  • Read Time 4 mins

To be loved and cared for is a human instinct. The feelings of adoration culminate into relationships. Understanding and affinity are the key ingredients for sustaining relationships for a long time. Numerology acknowledges the number vibrations and their influence on day-to-day life. By studying relationship numbers, numerology can help you find compatible life partners.

How to Check Relationship Numerology Compatibility?

(i) Name Number: Check the name number compatibility of the two partners who are in a relationship. Full name to be taken for the calculation. Then, write the number value of each letter in the name and add the number until you get a single number, which will be known as the name number.

For example, Ravi Singh and Riya Das are in a relationship.

 R A V I   S I N G H

 2 1 6 1   3 1 5 3 5

= 10       = 17

= 1        = 8

= 9

● Name Number of Ravi Singh is 9

 R I Y A     D A S 

 2 1 1 1     4 1 3 

= 5            = 8

= 13

= 4

● Name Number of Riya Das is 4

(ii) Life Path Number: Check their life path number compatibility or Destiny number as it impacts long-term decisions such as relationships, marriage, purchase of a house, etc. Life path number is calculated from the date of birth. Suppose, Ravi Singh’s date of birth is 12/11/1994 and Riya Das’s date of birth is 24/1/1995.

You may like to read: Check relationship compatibility with JC Nummerro App

Life Path Number for Ravi Singh: 3 (1+2) + 2 (1+1) + 5 (1+9+9+4 = 23 = 5) = 10 = 1

Life Path Number for Riya Das: 6 (2+4) + 1 + 6 (1+9+9+5 = 24 = 6) = 13 = 4

Since, the name number of Ravi Singh’s (9) and Riya Das (4) are compatible and their life path number, Ravi Singh (1) and Riya Das (4) are also friendly, so they can have an amicable relationship.

Relationship Number Compatibility from 1 to 9

Number 1: Individuals ruled by this number win over people with their confidence and charisma. An ever-smiling personalities and are always ready to give in life. Due to their workaholic nature, they are able to give less time to their love/family.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9

Number 2: Individuals ruled by this number are sensitive, caring, and faithful towards their partners. They like harmony in all forms and like to develop close connections. However, they may suffer feelings of insecurity.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9

Number 3: Individuals ruled by this number are social. They are creative in self-expression. They are loving and caring towards their family and relationships. They like to enjoy a good family life.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9

Number 4: Individuals ruled by this number are practical in relationships. They prefer peace and harmony in relationships. For loving relationships, try to be open and flexible.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 9

Number 5: Individuals ruled by this number are witty, passionate, and like to live life to the fullest. They socially meet people. The qualities of compassion and understanding can help them have good relationships in life.

  • Friendly numbers: All numbers except 2

Number 6: Individuals ruled by this number are loving and family-oriented. They like to form long-lasting relationships be it friendships or romantic relationships. With their beauty and magnetic personality, they can easily attract people.

  • Friendly numbers: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9

Number 7: Individuals ruled by this number are charming. They idealise and wish to nurture perfect relationships be it with friends, family, or anyone else.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 2, 4, 5

Number 8: Individuals ruled by this number are generous. Their persistence and kindliness can help them overcome obstacles in relationships and make them work.

  • Friendly numbers: 2, 3, 5, 6

Number 9: Individuals ruled by this number are friendly and easy to get along with. They like to live life like a free bird and can form good relationships with others.

  • Friendly numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9

Find partners made just for you with the help of numerology. You may consult Dr. J C Chaudhry for relationship numerology reading .


1. Can numerology help you find compatible partners in a relationship?

Ans: Yes, numerology can help people find partners for marriage or love relationships compatible for them with the help of their numbers so that they can have good relationships in the future.

2. How can numerology help solve relationship problems?

Ans: When you consult a numerologist for a relationship problem, the numerologist will study your and your partner’s number to know the reason for incompatibility and suggest remedies to make numbers compatible and solve the problem.

3. How can I check my relationship compatibility as per numerology?

Ans: You can check your relationship compatibility with your partner, child, or yourself through the JC Nummerro App. It is a numerology app where you can check compatibility and predictions for free.

4. Can relationship numerology be checked while selecting business partners?

Ans: Yes, before selecting partners for your business, check numerology compatibility with them for successful partnerships and growth of your venture.

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